Randal Mangham is a lawyer, former legislator, entrepreneur and clergyman. He is a principal in the law firm of Randal Alonzo Mangham LLC in Atlanta, GA. He is distinguished in his ability to analyze existing challenges and opportunities to
develop innovative customized solutions and road maps to success. He utilizes more than 30 years of experience as a practicing attorney to advance and negotiate business and legal issues and positions to maximize potential and value.
Mangham received his Juris Doctorate (J.D.) Cum Laude in 1980 from the Howard University School of Law, Washington, D. C., and his Bachelors of Arts in 1977 from Howard University School of Communications. He received his Master of Divinity
(M.Div.) in 1991 from the Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia. He also matriculated from Morehouse School of Religion in Atlanta and Harvard University John F Kennedy School of Government in Massachusetts.